WOW!! It's been a while since I've posted. I've been super busy. I went to a Cricut Swarm in Indianapolis last weekend and I got 27 pages done. WOOHOO! I'll try to get those posted soon. I've also been busy being a Baseball Mom! The boys' season started on April 18 and it's been go...go...go ever since. We're trying to get the school year finished up, baseball under way, and planning yet another vacation to Disney World in June. We're just SO busy. But I wanted to get these pics posted of the boys. They are really enjoying playing t-ball and baseball. Evan is on a 5 year old t-ball team and Max is on a 6 year old machine pitch team. Both are doing AMAZING!! Enjoy!

Here are my two in their helmets that I decorated for them. I used Wall Pops and my Cricut machine to cut their names and put them on their batting helmets. Every other little boy has a navy blue helmet and I wanted to be able to spot my two on the field so their names are on the front and their numbers are on the back!

Here are Max and Evan before their first game. Aren't they adorable??

Evan celebrating after his first "home run". LOL He was the last batter so he got to run all the bases at once.

Evan hates being in the outfield. He gets bored!

Max is in his ready stance! Isn't that cute??

Max was playing catcher at his first game. He's so tiny to have on all that gear!

Run, Evan, run!!!

Max got the Game Ball and was the Player of the Game on April 25, 2009!! We're so proud of you!

Evan likes to wave to his fans when he crosses Home Plate. LOL He's such a ham!

Max crosses Home Plate on Saturday, May 2, 2009!! Go Team!